Kotitehtävä osa 2 / Homework part 2

Today I went skiing at Lykynlampi, here’s a pic:


And when I got home I decided to do the other part of my homework the kirjoittaminen (writing) practice. This had three parts: writing an informal email to a friend, writing a formal email to your building’s caretaker (taloyhtiö isännöitsija) and writing an opinion on 1 of two topics. Each part required a page long answer and gave pointers as to what information should be included. The time for this part of the test is 55 minutes and I timed myself doing the homework. It took me 35 minutes but that may not be a good thing! Let’s see what feedback I get from the teacher about what I wrote!

The mielipidekirjoitus (opinion piece) was, for me, the most difficult of the three even though the topic – Paras hoitopaika pienelle lapselle – oma koti vai päiväkoti? (the best place for a young child to be cared for – their own home or day care?) was something of a gift as I work as a nanny and M is a lastentarhanopetaja (kindergarten teacher). The other topic I couldn’t translate so I didn’t actually have a choice of which topic to write about! The other topic was Nykymuoti on mautonta which I now know means ‘modern fashion is tasteless, vulgar.’ Nykymuoti is going to be today’s word of the day!

I had difficulty with the written exercises because I didn’t understand all the things which should be included in the answers and may have misunderstood the tilanne (scenario) being described for the second (formal) email. But at least I managed to write something for all three!

Below I’ve copied out what I wrote for the opinion piece DO NOT USE THIS! It is probably too short and there are certainly lots and lots of mistakes! I’m just putting it here so you can spot my mistakes and feel smug 😉 Also to give an idea of my level. I’d really appreciate people’s comments and corrections as I can use them in future but I won’t correct this homework as the whole point of the homework is so the teacher can assess our REAL level, what we can do alone without Finnish speakers or Google translate to help!

Mielipidekirjoituksen aihe (opinion piece topic): Paras hoitopaika pienelle lapselle – oma koti vai päiväkoti?

(These were the instructions of what to include in your answer:)

Kerro kirjoituksessasi:

Mistä asiasta kirjoitat?

Mitä mieltä olet siitä? Miksi? Perustele ainakin kolmella tavalla.

Minä kirjoitan pienenlasten oikein hoitopaikasta. Minä mielen että paras hoitopaikka pienelle lapselle on päiväkoti. Minulle on tämä mieltä koska jos lapsi on päiväkodissa se on varma etta hanelle on paras hoito ja kasvatus. Siellä päiväkodissa on lastenhoitajaa ja lastentarhanopetajaa että ovat ammattilaiset ja he voivat tehdä aina parasta lastenpuolesta.

Myöskin päiväkodissa on: paljon tehtäviä lapselle ja he voivat opia moniesta asioista, paljon muuta lapsia että lasten sosialisointi on varma, ja viimeksi jos lapsi käy päiväkodissa hän on valmis mennä kouluun ja koulupäivät menevät hyvin. 

Corrected version of the homework / model answer here

4 thoughts on “Kotitehtävä osa 2 / Homework part 2

  1. I like that you posted your homework, it actually kind of encouraged and motivated me to study harder! The ending was adorable 😀 (jos lapsi käy päiväkodissa hän on valmis mennä kouluun ja koulupäivät menevät hyvin. awwwww).


    1. Let’s hope Ope thinks it’s good /passable (I’ll find out next week). I’m posting the homeworks so other learners can have a go at them too if they like and/or see what kind of tasks will be on the YKI writing test 🙂


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